Thursday 26 June 2008

Beware Of Mad Cows – They Might Charge Sue…

A businesswoman who was trampled by cows as she walked through a field is suing the farmer who owns the herd for £1 million. Shirley McKaskie, 49, a company director, was seriously injured by the cattle on her way to meet her boyfriend in a pub in a Cumbrian village.

The court heard that Ms McKaskie and her five-month-old Jack Russell terrier, Tina, were heading to the village when they used a public footpath to cut across a field at Greystoke Gill, a nearby hamlet.
At 49 years old, shouldn’t she have a bit more common sense when entering a field of cows with calves accompanied by a dog?

I’d like to say she has no chance of winning, but you never know. Hopefully, this will help the farmer:
A Health and Safety Executive investigation following the incident decided to take no action against Mr Cameron.

Ms McKaskie diverted from the public footpath, which could make her a trespasser and therefore not protected by law.

Ms McKaskie was asked, if there had been a sign, warning of animals in the field, whether she would have gone into it.

"No definitely not," she told Mr Purchas.
This despite the fact that she didn’t take any notice of the footpath….


DJ said...

She wanted a sign to warn her there were cows in the field ? How urban do you have to be not to notice huge, black & white things which moo a lot ?

Anonymous said...

You can understand her confusion, having never seen them outside of their natural environment of the Sainsbury meat counter...