Saturday 9 August 2008

"Can't We Just Get On With The Witch Hunt...

...without any more delays...?":
Lawyers for alleged victims at the centre of an historic abuse inquiry in Jersey are demanding to know why more people have not been charged.
Well, there's this little thing called 'evidence'...
In a letter to lawyers appointed by the States of Jersey to determine if the police have enough evidence to bring charges in individual cases, Mr Sinel, who represents alleged victims, said: "The effect on my clients on a day to day basis of the failure to prosecute is severe.

"I am sure you will appreciate that my clients were severely damaged as children, accordingly, they are hurt, scared and scarred.

"A failure to prosecute and convict would be the ultimate betrayal of them by the Government, it would be the ultimate rejection of them and of their rights as human beings."
No, your clients allege that they were severely damaged as children. That allegation has yet to be proved. And who are the authorities to 'prosecute and convict'..? The alleged abusers, or would anyone do? After all, that's been done before.

In another part of the same story, the BBC fill in some background to the claims:
Jersey Police started an exploratory search of Haut de la Garenne and made their first significant discovery in February, finding what they believed to be a skull fragment.
No further mention is made of this, nor does the BBC mention what it was actually found to be.

But we know, don't we?

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