Saturday 7 November 2015

Professional Liberal Progressives Rejecting Abortion?

What gives..?
He adds: “We don’t judge people who have an abortion, but I’d very much like people to know that there are an awful lot of positives to be had.”
The midwife told her that, in the previous year, only two people she had seen had carried on with their pregnancies after the diagnosis. “People clearly don’t feel supported from the outset. There must be so many people who are unsure and not given any information. All we were given was a phone number.”
“You think you’re writing into a void, but along will come an email from someone on a maternity ward, saying, ‘My baby’s next to me, I’ve just had a diagnosis and I’ve found your blog – thank you, thank you, thank you.’ Or someone says, ‘I’ve decided to keep my baby after seeing Natty.’ And then I think, I’ve got to keep going.”
Emma says, “If someone asks me, I’ll tell them what happened and why I did it – I did what’s right for me. It’s unbelievably sensitive and no one should push their opinions on other people. I feel I’m up for extreme scrutiny and judgment, yet those people haven’t been in my shoes.”
Wonder no more.
Jane Fisher of Arc says that for women who speak up about terminating a Down’s pregnancy, “the vitriol and hate mail are mind-boggling”.
*rolls eyes*

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