Tuesday 7 August 2012

Well, It’d Be Fitting…

A man who threw his dog to its death from a tenth-storey window could be kicked out of his flat.
Hopefully, via the same window?
He had previously brandished a samurai sword at a woman in the communal area of the block, and received a community order for possession of an offensive weapon.
Ah, yes. That’ll be this case.
Simon Putt, group manager for finance and support service for South Essex Homes, said: “With regard to Mr Bray, we are currently seeking legal advice as to what action we can take regarding his tenancy.”
Probably nothing, and if you do, it’ll simply shift the problem, won’t it?


banned said...

So who is paying his rent while a guest of HMP?

JuliaM said...

There's almost certainly an exemption written in for crims... :/